Lowest Prescription Price

Why do I need Carehart?

Prescription drug prices are not controlled by law. If you walk across the street to another pharmacy, the price can increase by as much as $30.

How can Carehart help me?

Carehart compares current prices and discounts across other pharmacies to provide you the lowest prescription prices.

Carehart is a full service pharmacy. You can receive your medications at your doorsteps and at the lowest price.

How does it work?

It's easy. Just give us a call at (212) 321-1010. Patients' love our easy to remember number. Remember to have the drug name, strength and quantity handy. No personal information necessary.

What if I have insurance or Medicare?

Some drugs are not covered, or you have a high deductible.

Carehart can provide a lower price than your insurance. Thousands of generic medications are available for $5 or even free without insurance.